Friday, September 28, 2007

A guy who tried to "live" every rule in the Bible

Don't know if you read/heard about this, but a guy does these year-long "experiments" where he immerses himself into something (I think round 1 was the Encyclopedia) for a year and then writes about the experience. While excessively fascinating from a philosophy/cultural point-of-view, it's kind'of fun.

Read the article to see how he viewed his time. Pretty good!


Anonymous said...

This was very interesting

ابو خوخه said...

شركة دهب كلين هى افضل شركة ابادة جميع انواع الحشرات بالاحساء

شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء
نقدم كل ماهوه جديد فى عالم مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات معا الضمان الشامل بدون اى ضرار وخروج من المنل لانان نستخدم افضل انواع المبيدات المستورده والجوده العاليه لاباده فورى اتصل بنا

شركة المثالى said...

مكافحة الحمام بالاحساء